Sunday, November 30, 2008

Only the Good Die Young

This one's for you Mamma

I tried my hardest to make you as comfortable as possible. Holding your hand watching you go into an anxiety attack wondering why you couldn't breathe or talk. Oh Mamma, I should have stayed with you...I shouldn't have left your side. But I know that you are in a better place, and my jealously sides with God for He now has you and I wish I did. My heart will always have a hole in it, no one will ever replace you. You were kind, generous, loving, and warm. Life will go on without you, but I will never forget you. I won't let my children grow up not knowing your love for those around you and your furry kids. I love you Mamma, I always will.

In Memory of Rachel A. Wheelan
March 3, 1960-September 30, 2008
"Only The Good Die Young"

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have found a new idea of life.

Life is a someone that has put a flaming bag of sh*t on your front porch but doesn't ring the door bell. Sitting back laughing every time you say "Jesus Chris what is that smell?!" Sooner or later I will find the flaming bag of sh*t on my door step and put it out. But I feel that that time is as far away as I am from Pluto.

I sit here at home wondering what will happen when my mother passes. Sitting here trying to make her as comfortable as possible until the end. I wish I could do more for her, but I know that all my attempts will fail because this is the road that life has taken us to. I don't know what to do, it seems as though the problems, stress, and worries just keep piling up. Not only do I have to take care of my mother as she grows closer to a better place I have to take care of her wishes at the end, take care of an 11 yr old and a 2 yr old, figure out how I will fight for custody of my child when I am 1300 miles away taking care of the teenager that the stroke has dropped on my doorstep. *sigh*

I will hold my breath in hope that this will all pass soon, surely I will pass out from lack of oxygen soon enough...and I am sure you will hear about that.

This wasn't supposed to be about my life...but alas here we are.

Good news- Christmas is on it's way...time for a new header! Get ready!!!

"These tears we spill, they haunt us still..."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My life has fallen apart...

My mother has small cell lung cancer...

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Here is a little something to brighten your day:

Video chat rooms at Ustream

House: Hmm I have now watched the new epi, and it was very predictable in the end. I hoped and hoped it would turn differently..but no. I was disappointed. Not my favorite epi by far. We'll see how this all unfolds. ^.^