Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sparks of hope...

There is nothing like a good Fantasy Romance to spark the idea that maybe...just maybe, there is some tiny bit of hope for happiness. Why are all the good men: taken, gay or completely fictional?! Not to mention that the character I am talking about is(is that...hmm nvm), a VAMPIRE! But geez, I mean come on. Is there really such thing as "Happily Ever After"? Okay even if there isn't is there such thing as happiness under the same roof with someone of the opposite sex? Maybe I should go get my fortune told to me. LOL. One day I will wake up and find happiness within what I have now, an 11 yr old and a 2 yr old...who cares about anything else? All I know is I am not getting any younger here and my heart aches....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Project...

I have yet to finish my nerdy project but have come to a bump in the road. But since I have invested in a wonderful scanner, I am now off to my new project. We'll see how it goes. Time to learn how to PS color scanned pictures...woooo. :\

A few ideas on a title for a comic of Penguin Villains would help...indeed.

Huzzah! *clicks heels*

The Artistic mind of Jackie will be her downfall

Few and far between do you find decent ones. Although I seem to be lucky enough to have found a couple. Which is nice indeed.

Sometimes I wonder if I would see my life as any better if I didn't have these scenarios of a different life all the time. Sometimes I see my curiosity and imagination as a curse. Although I love my artistic...yes aRtistic...mind, picturing some long lost forgotten land, beautiful landscapes, wonderful smiles, and happy people. I wake up in the now and I remember that my mind can't take my body with it.

How do you keep your mind from wandering?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008